Elijah Is Fed by Ravens (Discussion Questions)
Categories: Holy Land Tours (Games/Stories)
Read 1 Kings 17:1-9
- Who was Elijah?
- Why did God tell him to go to the brook Cherith to drink and be fed by ravens?
- Did you know that the Arab Bedouin people were also called ravens since they dressed in black desert garb?
- The word for the desert people and ravens is spelled the same, but just pronounced differently, like wind (turn something) or wind (air that blows). The way in which you pronounce them determines their meaning. It was true of the word for ravens or Bedouins. So maybe the people actually fed Elijah.
- Would you want to eat food that birds gave you?
- It might be great if that’s all there was to eat.
- What does this story suggest about God’s individual care for each of us?
- In what ways has God supplied you with what you need?
- What was happening in the land?
- Why were they having a drought?
- Where did God tell Elijah to go? (I Kings
- Who was going to feed Elijah? (I Kings 17:4)
- How many times of day were the ravens going
to feed him?