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The Gospel of Mark by Mary Jane Chaignot

Mary Jane Chaignot, Bible scholar, author, and regular contributor to Biblewise, has been studying the Gospel of Mark for decades. In this podcast series she will be sharing her insights and inspiration on this remarkable text.

BibleWise Podcast #18: Introduction to the Gospel of Mark (37:22)

This is our first podcast in a new series focusing on the Gospel of Mark.

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Podcast #018 - Introduction to the Gospel of Mark

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BibleWise Podcast #18: Introduction to the Gospel of Mark (8.58 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #19: Mark's Prologue (49:26)

This second podcast in our series on the Gospel of Mark covers chapter 1:1-13. Scholars typically refer to this as Mark's prologue. It introduces the story and some of the themes that will comprise the story. It begins with John the Baptist, followed by Jesus' baptism and his wilderness experience.

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Podcast #019 - Mark's Prologue

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BibleWise Podcast #19: Mark's Prologue (11.3 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #20: Jesus' Ministry (47:57)

As we move forward with our study of the Gospel of Mark, we are ready to examine Jesus' ministry. Jesus' authority is again seen in several of Mark's accounts. Listen for how the people respond to his words and actions.

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Podcast #020 - Jesus’ Ministry

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BibleWise Podcast #20: Jesus' Ministry (10.9 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #21: Jesus' Ministry (1:08:14)

Mary Jane Chaignot starts the fourth podcast in Capernaum. Up to this point Jesus popularity has spread, people have been healed but the Jewish authorities are watching him. She'll cover five stories, some healings, and points of controversy stemming from the Jewish leaders.

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Podcast #021 - A Period of Controversy

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BibleWise Podcast #21: A Period of Controversy (15.6 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #22: Insiders and Outsiders (43:26)

In this fifth podcast in our series on the Gospel of Mark, Mary Jane will be talking about that which is hidden or revealed! And in some cases, this will include people who are either "inside" or "outside."

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Podcast #022 - A Period of Controversy

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BibleWise Podcast #22: Insiders and Outsiders (9.97 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #23: Jesus' Parables (44:14)

In our sixth podcast of Mark's gospel, we move from Jesus' healings in chapter 3 to concentrate on how Jesus taught. Listen to how Jesus used parables to make his teaching come alive.

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Podcast #023 - A Period of Controversy

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BibleWise Podcast #23: Jesus' Parables (10.1 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #24: Miracle Stories (54:27)

In our seventh podcast on Mark's gospel we will hear about four dramatic miracle stories. Jesus will illustrate his power over nature, demons, chronic illness, and even death. He has transgressed the boundaries of ritual definitions of clean and unclean by removing those defilements and has centered his attentions on those who live "outside," who have been cast off, the powerless.

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Podcast #024 - Miracle Stories

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BibleWise Podcast #24: Miracle Stories (12.5 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #25: The Death of John the Baptist (39:36)

This is our eighth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. In our seventh podcast, we focused on the power of Jesus with four major miracle stories. On the heels of his great success, he goes home only to be rejected by those who knew him best. This is followed by a story in which he commissions the disciples for ministry into which Mark inserts yet another story about the death of John the Baptist. Some think this foreshadows Jesus' own death, yet the similarities and differences will be quickly apparent.

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Podcast #025 - The Death of John the Baptist

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BibleWise Podcast #25: The Death of John the Baptist (9.06 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #26: Two Miraculous Events (45:22)

This is our ninth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Last month we studied Herod's feast that resulted in the death of John the Baptist. This month we will talk about another feast; only this one takes place in the wilderness. The feeding of the 5000 is a story told in all four gospels. It is followed by another remarkable story in which Jesus walks on the water. We'll study what scholars have to say about these two miraculous events.

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Podcast #026 - Two Miraculous Events

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BibleWise Podcast #26: Two Miraculous Events (10.4 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #27: Unclean Hands and a Gentile Woman (52:16)

This is now our tenth podcast on the gospel of Mark. Last month we studied some of the major miracle stories found in chapter 6. This month the Pharisees will be back and more conflicts can be expected. The issue this time is one of uncleanness. Jesus and the Pharisees will see things differently, and ultimately Jesus will declare that all food is clean. The implications of this, however, will reach far beyond dietary laws.

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Podcast #027 - Unclean Hands and a Gentile Woman

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BibleWise Podcast #27: Unclean Hands and a Gentile Woman (11.9 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #28: Another Feeding and more Misunderstandings (48:21)

This is now our eleventh podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Last month after yet another confrontation with the Pharisees, Jesus left Judea and entered into Gentile territory. He is still there. Whether or not Jesus intended to include the Gentiles in his ministry, he has been teaching and healing them now. In fact, several stories this month will give us a sense of déjà vu and the lessons will be ever expanding.

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Podcast #028 - Another Feeding and more Misunderstandings

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BibleWise Podcast #28: Another Feeding and more Misunderstandings (11.0 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #29: What Kind of Messiah? (54:34)

This is our twelfth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. We ended last month with a healing of blindness that functioned as a transition story because it was also symbolic for the beginning of this new section that will last all the way through chapter 10. We could entitle this section: "On the way; the Meaning of discipleship." From now on we will see fewer mighty works and a greater emphasis on teaching, most of which will now be done privately with the disciples.

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Podcast #029 - What Kind of Messiah?

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BibleWise Podcast #29: What Kind of Messiah? (12.5 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #30: A Failed Exorcism and True Greatness (46:52)

This is now our thirteenth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. We ended last month's with that amazing mountaintop experience of the Transfiguration where select disciples were given a glimpse of Jesus' future glory. But, as it so often happens, as they descended from the mountain, awed by what they had seen, they were jolted back to reality by the events occurring on the ground. In all three of the synoptic gospels, this is the story that follows the transfiguration; surely, this is quite intentional.

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Podcast #030 - A Failed Exorcism and True Greatness

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BibleWise Podcast #30: A Failed Exorcism and True Greatness (10.7 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #31: Marriage, Divorce, and Children (41:37)

This is now our fourteenth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Last month following the Transfiguration, Jesus and his disciples interrupted a tense argument between the scribes and the other disciples over their inability to exorcise a demon from a young boy. This was followed by another passion prediction and an equally inane response by the disciples. Jesus, then, began to warn them about doing anything that would cause another to sin. This month we will hear warnings about behavior that might result in their own sins and more lessons on discipleship.

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Podcast #031 - Marriage, Divorce, and Children

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BibleWise Podcast #31: Marriage, Divorce, and Children (9.52 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #32: Possessions, the Rich, and the Kingdom (50:23)

This is now our fifteenth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Last month we focused on teachings that Jesus was giving to his disciples. He began with not causing others to sin, then addressed things they might be doing to cause themselves to sin. From this he continued with teachings about the basic aspects of life; he started with marriage and children. This month we will continue with the topic of possessions. The teaching is illustrated by anencounter with an earnest young man.

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Podcast #032 - Possessions, the Rich, and the Kingdom

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BibleWise Podcast #32: Possessions, the Rich, and the Kingdom (11.5 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #33: Bartimaeus and Jesus' Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem (33:12)

Two major events occur in this podcast. The first involves Jesus' encounter with Bartimaeus, who is blind and calls out for healing. This is the last healing recorded by Mark. That it is a healing of blindness is quite noteworthy. It again ties in to the spiritual blindness that the disciples have been demonstrating all along. The second involves Jesus' triumphal entry in Jerusalem. Riding on a colt and acclaimed by all those present, Jesus finally appears to be embracing his messianic status.

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Podcast #033 - Bartimaeus and Jesus' Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem

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BibleWise Podcast #33: Bartimaeus and Jesus' Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem (7.63 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #34: Cursing the Fig Tree and Cleansing the Temple (35:42)

This is our seventeenth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. It will include Jesus' activities on his second day in Jerusalem before the Passover. It contains one of the most enigmatic stories in which Jesus supposedly "curses" a fig tree. Like several others, the story is interrupted by another story involving the temple. It appears, then, that this is another one of Mark's "sandwiched" stories.

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Podcast #034 - Cursing the Fig Tree and Cleansing the Temple

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BibleWise Podcast #34: Cursing the Fig Tree and Cleansing the Temple (8.2 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #35: Who Gave You Authority? (43:38)

This is our eighteenth podcast on the gospel of Mark. Jesus is now in Jerusalem, going back to Bethany each evening. The narrative slows way down at this point; Mark describes each day in detail allowing the tension to build towards its climax. This will be Jesus' third day in Jerusalem. The text doesn't say, but we presume it is again early in the morning.

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Podcast #035 - Who Gave You Authority?

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BibleWise Podcast #35: Who Gave You Authority? (10.0 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #36: The Greatest Commandment (47:10)

This is our nineteenth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. We are still on day three in Jerusalem. Jesus was at the temple in the midst of teaching about the kingdom of God when the authorities approached him. It is safe to say that this was not a friendly visit. Mark has four incidents involving some sort of teaching. Scholars say these encounters follow the question and answer series that is part of the liturgy used at a Passover meal.

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Podcast #036 - The Greatest Commandment

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BibleWise Podcast #36: The Greatest Commandment (10.7 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #37: Mark's "Little Apocalypse" (48:59)

This is our twentieth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Jesus has just been discussing the behavior of the Pharisees in relation to the temple, then the widow who put in all she had. Now he will focus on the bigger picture, on the temple in relation to the end of the world. At this point, he is talking to his disciples, which bring us to chapter 13.

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Podcast #037 - Mark's "Little Apocalypse"

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BibleWise Podcast #37: Mark's "Little Apocalypse" (11.2 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #38: Anointing, Betrayal, and the Last Supper (38:02)

This is now our twenty-first podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Chapter fourteen begins the story of Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Known as the Passion of Christ, this narrative makes up almost a third of the Gospel leaving some to comment that Mark is really a passion story with a lengthy introduction. While that might be overstating things, it is obvious that Mark intended to give a fuller account of Jesus' last days. 

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Podcast #038 - Anointing, Betrayal, and the Last Supper

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BibleWise Podcast #38: Anointing, Betrayal, and the Last Supper (12.0 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #39: Gethsemane and Betrayal (38:02)

This is our twenty-second podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Jesus and his disciples have finished eating the Passover meal and will go up to the Mount of Olives. There, in the dead of night, Jesus will wrestle alone, because his disciples will disappoint again and again. As before, Mark continues his technique of sandwiching one story into another. This time it is the Last Supper that is framed by two predictions of betrayal by the disciples.

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Podcast #039 - Gethsemane and Betrayal

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BibleWise Podcast #39: Gethsemane and Betrayal (8.74 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #40: Trials of Jesus and Peter (37:11)

This is our twenty-third podcast on the Gospel of Mark. Jesus has been arrested and will now face the religious authorities. There will be a trial, but we already know the outcome because he has predicted it on several occasions. The authorities will reject Jesus and he will be killed. But at the very same time Jesus is facing his accusers, there will be another trial – outside in the courtyard.

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Podcast #040 - Trials of Jesus and Peter

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BibleWise Podcast #40: Trials of Jesus and Peter (8.54 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #41: Jesus Stands Before Pilate (36:56)

This is our twenty-fourth podcast on the gospel of Mark. Last month Jesus stood before the Sanhedrin and was condemned to death. Lacking the authority to carry out such a sentence, the religious authorities set out for Pilate's palace to, essentially, get him to ratify their decision. Clearly, Pilate would have little interest in a religious dispute, so they knew they would have to come up with a charge that would be of interest to the Roman government.

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Podcast #041 - Jesus Stands Before Pilate

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BibleWise Podcast #41: Jesus Stands Before Pilate (8.48 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #42: The Crucifixion of Jesus and Its Aftermath (46:03)

This is our twenty-fifth podcast on the Gospel of Mark. The trials have occurred; the verdicts have been given. Jesus was flogged. The only thing remaining is to carry out the sentence. He will be crucified.

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Podcast #042 - The Crucifixion of Jesus and Its Aftermath

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BibleWise Podcast #42: The Crucifixion of Jesus and Its Aftermath (10.5 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #43: Mark's Abrupt Ending (35:53)

This is our twenty-sixth and last podcast on the gospel of Mark. The story ended last month with the burial of Jesus. He was buried, not by his own disciples, but by Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Council, who placed him in an unused tomb. All of Jesus' male disciples had long fled the scene. Yet, some of the women disciples had stayed and were able to watch from a distance. They will be the first to confirm that, indeed, Jesus had been buried.

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Podcast #043 - Mark's Abrupt Ending

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BibleWise Podcast #43: Mark's Abrupt Ending (8.24 MB)

Elijah and Elisha by Mary Jane Chaignot and Genelle Austin-Lett

In 2006, Mary Jane Chaignot and Genelle Austin-Lett researched the lives of Elijah and Elisha for a Bible seminar and wrote a play about these two great prophets.

BibleWise Podcast #17: Elijah and Elisha (57:52)

The setting of the play is an all-girls seminary where two students have written a play about the lives of Elijah and Elisha for a final project in their Prophets class. The students meet at the "SHEBREWS CAFÉ" on campus to run lines. They also talk about the staging of the play as they practice.


Genelle plays Elijah and Mary Jane plays Elisha. The material in the script is accurate in terms of the background, but both women have taken some license on the staging. Dick Davenport introduces the play.

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Podcast #017 - Elijah and Elisha

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BibleWise Podcast #17: Elijah and Elisha (13.2 MB)

Hear O' Israel by Rabbi David Louis

Rabbi David Louis is a teacher, writer, and traveling lecturer on the Kabala, metaphysics, and the Old Testament. Rabbi David's 13 part series on the story of King David was the first of BibleWise podcasts.

BibleWise Podcast #16: Hear O' Israel (1:32:36)

In this podcast he gives a fresh and deeply spiritual interpretation of Deuteronomy 6:4-5. In his explanation we learn more about an all-loving God and how to communicate with Him.

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Podcast #016 - Hear O’ Israel

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BibleWise Podcast #16: Hear O' Israel (21.2 MB)

The Nativity Story by Genelle Austin-Lett

The founder of BibleWise, Genelle Austin-Lett, offers new ways to look at the familiar story of Jesus' birth.

BibleWise Podcast #15: The Nativity Story (35:07)

The Nativity story is near and dear to her heart. When she started BibleWise in 2002, the first theme for the site was the Nativity. Each year BibleWise strives to find something new to share about this beloved story.

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Podcast #015 - The Nativity Story

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BibleWise Podcast #15: The Nativity Story (8.06 MB)

The Story of David by Rabbi David Louis

Learn more about Rabbi David Louis by visiting his website

BibleWise Podcast #1: Rabbi David Introduction (2:39)

Meet Rabbi David and embark with him on a journey through the books of Samuel.

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Podcast #001 - David Intro

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BibleWise Podcast #1: Rabbi David Introduction (629 KB)

BibleWise Podcast #2: Biblical History (19:46)

Refresh your memory of the 12 tribes of Israel in the early books of the Bible, which sets the stage for the books of Samuel and eventually leads to the dispersal of Judaism.

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Podcast #002 - Biblical History

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BibleWise Podcast #2: Biblical History (4.57 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #3: The Early Days of Samuel (53:53)

Get to know Samuel and his family beginning with an account of his birth through the fulfillment of his first prophecy.

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Podcast #003 - The First King of Israel

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BibleWise Podcast #3: Biblical History (12.3 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #4: The First King of Israel (48:16)

Samuel, now a well-known prophet, anoints Saul the first king of Israel. But Saul fails to remain faithful to Samuel's continuing prophecy, eventually losing his reign — but not his crown — over the people. Samuel listens to the Lord and is directed to find a new king.

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Podcast #004 - The First King of Israel

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BibleWise Podcast #4: Biblical History (11.0 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #5: Saul and David (1:06:49)

Following God's orders, Samuel anoints David as the new king, creating two acting kings of Israel. But a battle erupts between the Israelites and the Philistines, and David goes out to fight for his people and his reign. Tensions flare between Saul and David, forcing David to flee.

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Podcast #005 - Saul and David

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BibleWise Podcast #5: Saul and David (15.2 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #6: David's Rise and the Death of Samuel (43:35)

David continues to rise from poverty to power, building a private army and allies as he dodges attempts to capture and kill him. Saul learns of David's followers and increases his hunt for David. In the meantime, Samuel dies, ending all the prophecy and severely demoralizing Saul's army. But Saul soon faces reality beginning with one final prophecy from the spirit of Samuel.

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Podcast #006 - David's Rise and the Death of Samuel

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BibleWise Podcast #6: David's Rise and the Death of Samuel (9.97 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #7: Saul's Death and David Becomes King (45:03)

After Saul's death, the people of Judah recognize David as king. But David faces a near political catastrophe when a recent ally — Saul's commander-in-chief — is slain in an act of revenge. Then David conquers Jerusalem, and in a celebration of triumph, he loses his wife's dignity and the potential unity of the kingdom.

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Podcast #007 - David's Rise and the Death of Samuel

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BibleWise Podcast #7: Saul's Death and David Becomes King (10.3 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #8: David and Bathsheba: A View of Repentance (28:19)

Notice the harmony of repentance present in the story of David, and then listen to David's courtship of Bathsheba from this viewpoint, as written in the second book of Samuel.

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Podcast #008 - David and Bathsheba: A View of Repentance

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BibleWise Podcast #8: David and Bathsheba: A View of Repentance (6.48 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #9: David, Bathsheba, and the Jewish Law (27:09)

Rabbi David Louis retells the story of David's courtship of Bathsheba but this time giving us a different understanding from the perspective of Jewish law.

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Podcast #009 - David, Bathsheba, and the Jewish Law

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BibleWise Podcast #9: David, Bathsheba, and the Jewish Law (6.22 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #10: The Sons of David (41:54)

David's wife Bathsheba gives birth to a son, Solomon, who is destined to succeed David. But David's other sons, not knowing that Solomon is the rightful heir, vie to be next in line for the crown, leading to chaos and rebellion in Israel.

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Podcast #010 - The Sons of David

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BibleWise Podcast #10: The Sons of David (9.59 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #11: The Next King of Israel (6:37)

When David hears that his eldest remaining son is campaigning for the crown, he finally decides to crown Solomon king of Israel.

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Podcast #011 - The Next King of Israel

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BibleWise Podcast #11: The Next King of Israel (1.51 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #12: The Talmud (5:19)

Rabbi David explains where the extensions and commentary to the scriptures are found.

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Podcast #012 - The Talmud

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BibleWise Podcast #12: The Talmud (1.22 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #13: What Can We Learn from the Books of Samuel (21:34)

The stories within the books of Samuel establish the kingdom of the Messiah as well as teach us more about the ultimate purpose of creation — how we can learn to repent and essentialy be one with God.

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Podcast #013 - What Can We Learn from..

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BibleWise Podcast #13: What Can We Learn from the Books of Samuel (4.96 MB)

BibleWise Podcast #14: A Story for Children—David and Goliath (22:10)

Hear how David learned to pray and listen to God when he was a kid. By relying on God, he was even able to win the battle against the giant, Goliath.

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Podcast #014 - A Story for Children-David and Goliath

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BibleWise Podcast #14: A Story for Children-David and Goliath (5.08 MB)
