Write the Nativity Story from a Voice We Don't Hear in the Scriptural Account

Categories: Jesus' Birth

While teaching a class in Bible literature to high school students, I asked them to write any story in the Bible from a voice we don't hear in the scriptural account. This was so successful that I tried it with 4th and 5th grade Sunday School pupils using the Nativity story.

One wrote about what it was like being a shepherd when the angel appeared. "I thought it must be a UFO until he started singing the most beautiful music I've ever heard. Then I cried."

Another student had the three wise men trying to decide what would make the best gifts. "After all, he was too young for after shave lotion."

Another wrote as one of the cows in the stable saying, "This beautiful boy is not your ordinary baby. I wonder if the mother would mind if I gave him some warm milk."

It is a fun exercise to help the children think more deeply about what it was like to be there in Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born. St. Louis, MO