Events in Jesus' Life (Mark)
Categories: Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Matthew
How many events can you think of in Jesus' life that are recorded in Mark?
- Who is John the Baptist?
- Describe him. (Mark 1:6)
- What did he wear?
- What did he eat?
- What does John the Baptist do?
- What does it mean to repent?
- Why was repentance important?
- What did God say after Jesus' baptism?
- Jesus spent how many days in the wilderness? (40)
- Who tempted Jesus?
- What were the three temptations? (Matt 4:1-11)
- Why do you think Jesus was tempted?
- What was Jesus' response to the devil in all three temptations?
- What were his final words to the devil?
- How does Jesus' experience help us handle temptation?
- How did Jesus select his disciples?
- Was the selection process recorded differently in Matthew?
- TEACHERS Look at the grid for the selection of disciples in Bible Characters.
- What were their names?
- Are these names different than those recorded in Matthew?
- Jesus stills the sea (Mark 4:35-41)
- Why were the disciples afraid? [two types of fear]
- Why wasn't Jesus afraid?
- Jesus is rejected in his home town of Nazareth (Mark 6:1-6)
- Why didn't people accept Jesus in his home town?
- What kind of a put down is "Isn't he a carpenter?"
- Is it hard to think someone is great if we've always known him as just a "regular" person?
- Jesus feeds 5000 (Mark 6:32-44)
- What is so impressive about feeding that many people?
- What amount is 200 pennyworth of bread? [300 pennyworth was about a year's salary] What does Jesus ask?
- What does Jesus tell the disciples to do?
- Why do you think they were put into groups of hundreds and fifties?
- What did Jesus do with the bread?
- How many baskets were filled with left-overs?
- What was the disciples' pop quiz? (Mark 8:27)
- How did the disciples answer?
- Who got it right?
- What did he say to Jesus?
- Why was this revelation so important?
- The transfiguration (Mark 9:1-13)
- Who did Jesus take with him?
- Who did they see?
- What was impressive about this event?
- What does it tell us?
- Name some of Jesus' healings. [This will be covered October 9]
- Tell the story of Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
- What were some of the events in this week?
- Does Jesus wash his disciples' feet in Mark?
- Who wanted to kill Jesus? Why?
- Did Jesus' disciples believe that Jesus would come back from the dead?
- How were the disciples' lives changed after the resurrection?