
By Eric Metaxas

Review By Casey Fedde

Categories: Inspirational People, Jesus (Healings), Jesus' Disciples, Moses, Motivational, Paul, Spiritual Living

When it comes to miracles, "One man's miracle is another man's eye-rolling What's the big deal? weird coincidence," writes Eric Metaxas. The whole idea of miracles is "essentially subjective" (15). Yet so many people believe in them.

In Metaxas's aptly titled book “Miracles,” the bestselling author explores the phenomenon of miracles, why they happen, and how they can change our lives – a subject equally as lofty and luminary as the historical figures in his biographies (“Bonhoeffer” and “7 Men”). By turning to literary legends, scholars, and scientists, and looking at his own experiences as well as those of friends, Metaxas shows us that it's OK to open our eyes to God and how He chooses to communicate with us.

“Miracles” begins with the biggest miracle of all: the universe. Metaxas methodically tells the story of creation, chronicling everything from the Big Bang to life on Earth. Setting off on a nature walk at the beginning of a book about encounters with angels and inner healing is gutsy, but he reveals the compatibility of science and faith – and the miraculous. "There are many leading scientists," he notes, "who unapologetically believe in God and miracles, who see no conflict between a life simultaneously dedicated both to faith and scientific inquiry" (23).

Metaxas effortlessly segues from science to Scripture and covers the major miracles in the Bible, including the feeding of 5,000, Lazarus being raised from the dead, and Jesus' resurrection.

Then he gets personal. More than half the book is dedicated to testimonies of instances when "God pokes into our world" and communicates with us (21). And it is the telling of these testimonies in which Metaxas shines. These miracle stories are as simple as a woman finding her lost keys and as life-changing as a finance professional escaping the World Trade Center's South Tower on 9/11. But none is less miraculous than the next. In each, Metaxas says, the realization occurs that "God knew me infinitely better than I knew myself..." (148).

These miracles "attest to the presence of a loving and compassionate God, one who wants to help us, who wants to speak to us and encourage us" (61). Whether we see these moments as eye-rolling or eye-opening is up to us. “Miracles” gives us a reason to believe.
