Jesus and John the Baptist

Categories: Gospel of Matthew

Jesus and John the Baptist Matthew 3:1-17

In the wilderness of Judea was a special man named John the Baptist. God had chosen John to warn people about their sins and get them ready for Jesus' arrival.

"God wants you to turn away from doing what is wrong," said John the Baptist to everyone. "Turn away from your sin and follow God. Only He can help you do what is right." The people who accepted John's words were then baptized in the river.

When Jesus was ready to begin His ministry, He came to John the Baptist. John knew who Jesus was. Jesus went into the water, and John baptized Him. When Jesus rose up from the water, God's Spirit came down on Jesus like a dove. God said, "This is My Son; I am pleased with Him."

Starting at Jesus, can you find your way through the river to John the Baptist?

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