Michele O'Donnell Shares How Child Was Saved From Death

God's mercy swallows up condemnation—and a toddler has a remarkable healing!

By Michele O'Donnell, TX

Categories: Health, Loving and Forgiving

A two-year old who was barely breathing, barely conscious, and moaning was brought in to the clinic with less than a week to live. The parents asked, "Can you help us?" We went to the back room. I was just filled with compassion. I have a thing about kids. I just love them. That night we had a Living Beyond Disease meeting at the center. We talked about mercy and being in the Holy of Holies (the most sacred part of the Israelite sanctuary). In there was the Mercy seat. From that radiated the glory of the Shekinah (the Presence of God). When I first learned about Shekinah, I was overwhelmed to discover that Shekinah is a feminine gender word. It was my first introduction to thinking of God as feminine. So in this meeting, we were talking about the Shekinah and God's overwhelming Mercy, and we were all feeling it.

That night I was awakened with the thought, "They think it's their fault." I knew exactly to whom this referred. It was the parents of the child. "Ask them why she's sick," I heard next. God was giving me blow-by-blow instruction on how to proceed. The next day when I saw the parents, I told them I needed to talk to them. I asked them, "Do you have any idea why your daughter is sick?" They just started crying. They answered, "We've led such a bad life. We're such bad people. It's our fault she's sick." I responded, "I don't know how bad you've been, but I know how good God is."

We talked about the concept of God's goodness and continued discussing the idea in our meeting that night. In the midst of 150 people, I was able to talk directly to them, and they got it. They saw Mercy as the only factor in the whole scenario. They didn't need to think about anything they may have done wrong. The strength of disease is condemnation. If you can get rid of the condemnation -- "I wonder what I did wrong. I deserve it!" -- then you can be healed. The Mercy of God swallows up condemnation.

That was the healing for the little baby. The first time I had put my hand on the little girl's abdomen, I could feel her liver. It was huge. You're not supposed to be able to feel a liver. The next time, it was down to two centimeters. The next day, I could not feel it at all. It was an amazing healing.

If you can help people to get their minds off of their lives and onto the overwhelming Mercy of God, you can heal anything. God's Love is a huge river of Mercy.
