Biblical Valentine's Day Cards

This Valentine's Day, connect qualities to Bible characters, and then create cards to let others know what qualities they express that you most appreciate, and tells them how much you love them!

By Linda Bargmann

Categories: Love

Many people think of February as the month that best represents the quality of love – probably because of Valentine's Day. But does Valentine's Day have anything to do with the Bible? Not really. Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine, but the day didn't become associated with love until the High Middle Ages.

Today, it is estimated that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making February 14th the second largest card-sending holiday of the year, behind Christmas. Anyone with grade-school children knows the drill of preparing Valentine cards for each student in the class as well as the teachers. It can feel like a big hassle. But what if we were to take a few seconds to acknowledge that each card is an expression of love, even if you don't know the other person very well. And as such, each card carries a message that says you value the individual. Who wouldn't appreciate hearing that once a year?!

In 1st John 4, there is a universal statement – it's the same no matter what translation of the Bible you look in: "God is love." Sometimes, the word love is capitalized, as a synonym for God. In that case, 1st John 4 will read: "God is Love." Since Genesis 1: 26 says that man (generic) was made in God's "image" and "likeness," then doesn't that mean that we reflect God's qualities, too? And that includes Love! If God is Love, we can express love to everyone, everyday, including but certainly not limited to Valentine's Day!

1 Corinthians 13 is a poem about love. Read it through with your children and listen to the great ideas about the characteristics and qualities of love. (If you only have a King James Bible in the house, just substitute the word "love" everywhere it says "charity.")

Could you use Bible characters and their qualities to make Valentine's cards for those you love today? Sure!

Here's one suggestion:

  1. Make a list of all the friends/teachers/co-workers you want to send cards to. (Home-made cards are especially cherished, even if only a heart cut out of construction paper, but, if you prefer to buy mass-produced ones, they are easily found from now until February 14!)
  2. Next make a list of qualities you find represented in Bible characters. Here are just a few to get you started:
    1. David's courage with the Philistine
    2. Daniel's trust in God while in the lion's den
    3. Jesus' compassion for children, women and men
    4. Moses' obedience to God's directions
    5. Ruth's faithfulness to her family
  3. Or, you can start with the characteristics, and then find Bible characters and friends who exhibit these qualities, such as:
    1. Strength
    2. Joy
    3. Beauty
    4. Hope
    5. Honesty
  4. Once you've made your list of who you will send the cards to, and made a list of the qualities you find expressed in the Bible, then match them up! Be sure to tell your Valentines where you found the qualities and why you feel each person expresses these qualities. In other words, tell them what you love about them and why!

Everyone enjoys reminders of love and everyone feels good receiving compliments for what they are doing right! Combine the two – let everyone on your list know how much you love them, and what qualities they express which makes you love them. Psalm 33:1 says, "Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful." Praise what you love about others, realizing that the basis of that love comes from God.

And while you are at it, remind yourself of all the Biblical qualities that YOU express every day, including the Love of God which prompted you to make these special Valentine's cards for all your friends!
