Parenting – School

Be Your Best

The start of a new school year presents a prime opportunity to help our children learn this life-lesson and begin to prove it again and again and again!

Parenting is Homeschooling

Amy Sparkman share how homeschooling taught her to rely on God's guidance more and more with each passing year!

A More Effective Way to Study

When we "study to show (ourselves) approved unto God," we gain a more spiritual view of our relationship to God, and we are precisely guided to prepare and fulfill tests, exams, projects and papers.

Back to School, Back to Basics

Paul's wise words are a great way to start off a school year: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (II Timothy 2:15)

Tranquility in the New School Year

With a deep and abiding sense of peace and harmony, we can all rise to meet every challenge without being overwhelmed, discouraged, exhausted, frustrated or bewildered. Instead, we can rest assured of the power of God.

So The Dog Ate Your Homework?

Here are some common kid excuses each followed by a pertinent scriptural selection and ideas on how you can make your parenting responses reasonable, helpful, and healing.

Blessed at School

With school and sports starting up again, parents will want to help youngsters keep their priorities in line with family values. Consider the rewards for living in conformity with the Beatitudes.

Morning Messages

Take a moment to write down a Bible verse on a slip of paper or notecard, and tuck it into your child's lunch box, backpack, or wallet. These discrete messages can pack a punch of inspiration at just the right time.

Every Child is Gifted

God, who is unbounded wisdom, gives this intelligence to all His children, not just some. We must each claim the gift and our "giftedness." It begins with knowing our God-given heritage.

The Back-to-School Blues

How can parents support their children in the learning process? Setting an example of life learning, study habits, and balance between academic and spiritual learning is a good way to begin.
