Identity — Personal Growth

How to Weather Life's Storms

How do you handle the storms that come up in life? Because storms do happen...

How Do We Find the Right Path?

How do we know we're making the best decisions? It's not always easy.

Ask God Again

Do you expect your prayers to be answered? Don't give up. Ask, seek, knock, and find!

Lizards and Dragons

Would you rather fight a lizard or a dragon?

Why Worry?

How do we overcome stress, anxiety, low-level fear?

What Are You Looking At?

Images are constantly shouting at us. How do we process them?

A New Way To Fast

Have you fasted recently? Want to improve your character? Fast on criticism, judgment, appetite ... and more.

We Can Trust Our Father

Have we been tempted to give up on God? God doesn't give up on us.

Prayer Break

When was the last time you were alone, really alone with God? Try it...and see what happens.

Let Go of Ego

How do we deal with a superior attitude, which can really be offensive and can block healing and opportunity?

Test Prep: Don't Forget About Prayer

If taking tests is nerve-wracking, there's an answer: pray

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Have you thought about being vs doing?

Handling Emotions

How do we feel but not let emotions scare or control us?

Life Lessons from Skiing

What do you do when you fall? How do you know when to lead or follow? Find this out and more - all from skiing.

Taking Aim at Bullies - A Look at True Power

Goliath looks powerful, but David gets him with a single stone. Can you be like David?

Jacob and Nicholas (Living in Spain)

Living, Learning, Communicating in a Different Culture-We're All God's Children

A Life Lesson from Noah: Patience

Technology has sped up our lives. If emails don't pop up instantly, something is wrong! Patience is waning. And then there's Noah.

Move Over, James Bond

Wish you were James Bond or even someone else? Comparisons don't ever help, especially impossible ones. Find out why being our best selves is the only answer.

Hear the Christmas Message

"Whoever has ears, let them hear!" Are we hearing-understanding with our heart-the message that Jesus came to share?

Be Grateful for You

Why can you put yourself at the top of your Thanksgiving gratitude list? You're God's beloved child.

Key to Happiness and Harmony - The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount gives the key to lasting happiness, harmony that no storm can shake.

Keep the Big Fish

Keep the Big Fish explains how we can let the little things go when we know our main priority—love God, love neighbor as ourselves—and what this looks like.

Leave the Old for the New

Leaving behind an old job or school for a new one involves a lot of uncertainty. This uncertainty can paralyze us in fear, if we focus on what we don't know. Focus on what we do know, like God's love. With God leading us, we can't be steered wrong.

Are We Following the Star?

If you saw the star of Bethlehem, would you follow it? In the Bible, the wise men did, but no one else. The Christ is our Bethlehem star, and like the wise men, we should follow where it leads.

Praise Lifts!

The best way to lift us up is by lifting our thinking to God and praising his glory. Joseph's life proves that praising God can lift us from even the most despicable situations.

A Golden Rule Life

The Golden Rule empowers those that apply it. Rather than taking a passive stance to life, the Golden Rule requires us to act. If we wish to be treated with Love, we must love others.

Rebuilding Lives

If a bridge collapses, it is not rebuilt to the exact specifications. We should treat each disaster as an opportunity to rebuild something stronger and better.

Become Like Little Children

In our efforts to grow up, we sometimes forget what is so precious about childhood. Jesus never did. Jesus valued the purity, openness, honesty, and unconditional love children express, as should we.

Thanksgiving – A Healing Time

Thanksgiving should be a time when we all acknowledge the good in our lives. God provides us with all we need and more, and when we acknowledge those blessing they multiply even further.

The Next Step

Our lack of knowledge about God can be frustrating. Paul felt those same frustrations, but he felt there were still actions we could take to progress with God, despite our shallow understanding. We should all follow Paul and take the next step with God.

Welcome Change

We cannot change others, but we can inspire them. Inspiring others starts with changing ourselves and can have a profound effect on those around us.

The Light of Newness

Most of us feel like we need a fresh start, but how do we achieve it? Instead of switching schools or moving states, all we really need to do is change our perspective. Look at the future success rather than the past mistakes.

Spiritual Investment

Sound financial advice is almost as rare as sound moral advice. However, if Jesus were alive today and worked on Wall Street, he would advise you to invest in Love, the best commodity.

Body and Weight

We often think counting calories, worrying about our weight, and slaving away at the gym will help us find satisfaction in our appearances, only to be disappointed. Read on to learn why you should focus less on your weight and more on God.