Find the Blessings this Christmas

By Marjorie Foerster Eddington and Taylor Gibbs, 15-year-old

The Christmas season is full of blessings. Though we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is really his life, his sacrifice that proved life is eternal, which gives us hope (the hot topic) and is the true blessing of the Christmas season. So, this Christmas, let's focus on the blessings that surround us.

Taylor Gibbs, a 15-year-old from MO, shares why finding the blessings is important. 

Finding the blessings is one of the biggest subjects from BibleWise that has struck me, along with this statement from Proverbs:

A faithful man shall abound with blessings…. (28:20).

To me this means:

  • we need to find the little blessings or little things;
  • the little things add up to big things.

My football coach often told us to rejoice over the small victories. Through the year, I started to see why this is so important. 

  • If all we do is look for the big blessings, then we may be ignorant of the smaller blessings.
  • But if we search for the smaller details, blessings, or victories, then we will see these blessings and observe them in action.
  • Then, we can build on the small victories.
  • Even when something goes wrong, like 9/11 or the hurricane in New Orleans, there are blessings to be found. In fact, right when such negative activity occurs is when we need to look for, acknowledge, and open up to the blessings.
  • This helps us bless others.
  • If we’re too stubborn to do anything to help others, then our vision is blinded, and we miss the blessings.

Taylor Gibbs

Let's refuse to be stubborn. Let's not be blind to the good that abounds. Let's do as Taylor says and notice the blessings, for when we do, we find that they all add up to a big blessing: they help us be more kind and thoughtful. We then experience the joy that comes from blessing others and from being blessed by God.

When we imbibe the true Christmas spirit, we can't help but bless everyone around us. So, whatever we're doing this month and this Christmas, let's find the blessings:

  • If we’ve been waiting in line for what seems like hours, we can appreciate the people around us.
  • If we’re stuck in a traffic jam, let’s be grateful we have time to think or pray or listen to our favorite radio stations or CDs.
  • If our parents want us back home earlier than we’d like, we can be thankful they care about us.
  • If a mom has a crying baby beside her, wave and smile at the baby.
  • If our sibling took exactly what we wanted, we can be glad she has it.
  • If we failed a test, let’s see what we can learn.
  • If arguments are surrounding us, find ways to make peace.
  • If the roast that was put in the oven for Christmas dinner shriveled up because the oven was broken and got too hot, we can laugh and rejoice that we’re with our family, that at least we had left-over spaghetti in the frig, and that we’ll forever talk about that one Christmas dinner.

This Christmas, let's be grateful for the little things so we can celebrate the biggest blessing of all -- the blessing of the Christ.