Making a Difference — Courage

Sticks and Stones ... And Words

Is it true that words (posts and tweets) can never hurt? What's the effect of angry posts or tweets?

No To Pot is Yes to Freedom

How some teenagers are taking a stand

Friends Matter

As we grow up, our peers tend to have more influence on us than our parents. So it's vitally important that we make good friends.

Have Confidence in God

Take a leap! You can be confident that God will always catch you.

Finding a Home for her Child

A birth mother finds the perfect home for her child—and everyone rejoices!

Like David, Daniel, and Jesus We Can Have the Courage to Stand Up for What's Right

How can you be more humble and courageous in your daily life?

Stand Up for Yourself, as Job Did

How can you be a better friend?

Be a Prophet Like Elijah and Elisha

In tough situations, is God still all-powerful? Elijah and Elisha proved the answer to be a resounding "yes."

Like Samuel and Nathan, You Can Serve God and Help Others

Like Samuel and Nathan, you can listen to God and know just what to do—always.

Like David, Daniel, and Jesus We Can Have the Courage to Stand Up for What's Right

Don't give in to fear! Stand up for what's right and you will win.

Like Joshua, Trust God Whole-Heartedly

Be a God-inspired leader, like Joshua.

What's So Important about Integrity

Having a strong sense of integrity is incredibly important, Joseph found—and you will, too!

Forgiveness Takes Courage

Asking for forgiveness takes courage, but it brings amazing results!

Persistence Brings Lasting Rewards

Don't give up! Be persistent when the going gets tough.