Making a Difference — Safety

Modern Day Psalms

Check out these awesome Psalms, written by 6th and 7th graders.

Be an Influence for Good

Some might argue that doing the right thing all the time might be boring. But it's actually really fun! Learn how one Mom taught her kids to love to be good here.

Applying the Lord's Prayer to Car Racing and Life

Unpack the Lord's Prayer, line by line, with this thoughtful peace. Revitalize the way you think about it!

Bullying Stopped by Love and Accountability

How can we create a bully-free environment?

Overcoming Negative Peer Pressure

Dealing with peer pressure? Find out how to overcome it lovingly.

Teen Listens to Angel Messenger and Forgives Abusive Mother

Don't wait around—forgive now and be free! Find out how one forgave her abusive mother—and was deeply blessed, too!

Handling Bullying

When you pray, sometimes God sends you some wacky-sounding ideas. Find out how a college student creatively resolved a problem with his roommate.

Have Confidence in God

Take a leap! You can be confident that God will always catch you.

Free Yourself or Friends from Drugs

Do you or do you know someone who does drugs? How can you help yourself or him/her think about and heal this?

Prayerful Preparation = Awesome Results

A mountain climber completes a rigorous journey by fully relying on God. Sweet!!

Fear Conquered with the Help of a Friend

Don't let fear manipulate you! Marshall broke the cycle of fear and ended up enjoying his rock-climbing trip.

On the Home Front

How can you support the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan? Send care packages!

Step Out from the Crowd and Be Yourself

Give your life over to God—and be a rebel!

Help Those Affected by the Hurricanes

When disaster strikes, what can you do? Start with prayer.

Like David, Daniel, and Jesus We Can Have the Courage to Stand Up for What's Right

How can you be more humble and courageous in your daily life?

Pay Attention to Joel and Amos

Open your heart to the Joel and Amos' wisdom.

Support Tsunami Relief and Pray

Take action to help those in need—whether that be in the form of donations, prayer, or ideally, both!

You Can be an Effective Leader Like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

In ways big and small, everyone is a leader. How can you be a more effective one?

Like David, Daniel, and Jesus We Can Have the Courage to Stand Up for What's Right

Don't give in to fear! Stand up for what's right and you will win.

How Can You Pray about Terrorism?

How can you pray about terrorism? Remember that God is always present—leaving no room for oppressors or victims.

What's So Important about Integrity

Having a strong sense of integrity is incredibly important, Joseph found—and you will, too!