Making a Difference — Decisions

Be the Good Fruit

Can your attitude really make you successful in your work or friendships?

What Do You See?

How do we respond to disaster?

No To Pot is Yes to Freedom

How some teenagers are taking a stand

The Sun Shines. We Love.

Can we be like the sun and shine love on everyone regardless of how they act?

Time to Reflect and Choose

Jacob shares how disconnecting and taking alone time to reflect helps him make good choices.

Listen Up!

What are we listening to? It makes a difference!

What's Really Important? The Big Fish

This Christmas what really matters is the Christ spirit—that absolute love that sees the good in others and refuses to get upset at the little things in life.

Using What She Learned — God's Law of Harmony is in Effect

God's law of harmony is always in effect—so you can even pray about car trouble and whether to accept a job! Find out how one woman did just that.

Serving Others by Rehabilitating Horses

Why be happy? Because it's your (and everyone's) natural state! Find out how one woman uses this idea as she works with horses.

Attitude is Everything

Do traffic jams drive you crazy? Consider a change of attitude—and actually have fun as you inch along!

Let's Make an Effort

How can you be more satisfied with your life? Make sure it's God-centered!

The Impact of Moral Courage

What's moral courage? What are the benefits? Find out here.

Prisoners Can Change and Become Successful Citizens. The SUMMIT program proves it.

Prisoners can change and become productive members of society. Just like each one of us, they just need someone to listen to them compassionately!

A Prayer that Leads to Love

Looking for love? Look no further than to God, who lovingly answers your prayers. Just ask Abraham's servant!

Journalism that Blesses

The Christian Science Monitor is actively working to bless the world. How?

A Rap Song Based on Paul's Letter to the Galatians

Yo, have you ever tried to rap about spiritual ideas? It's really fun! Ben gave it a try, and here's what he came up with.

Helping Others Blesses Us

When something gets lost—pray!

Let's Pray

What's more productive than worrying? Psst—it's also much more fun!

Impact of Education on Women in the United Arab Emirates

Don't shy away from challenges—embrace them, like these Middle Eastern women do.

Bullying Stopped by Love and Accountability

How can we create a bully-free environment?

Overcoming Negative Peer Pressure

Dealing with peer pressure? Find out how to overcome it lovingly.

Problem-Solving 101 from an Inventor

How can God help you solve problems? Mark shows how he prays while inventing.

Have Confidence in God

Take a leap! You can be confident that God will always catch you.

Free Yourself or Friends from Drugs

Do you or do you know someone who does drugs? How can you help yourself or him/her think about and heal this?

The Golden Rule Defeats Gossip with Love

How can you apply the Golden Rule when people are gossiping? Allex fills you in.

Forgive! The Bible Helps Us

Why is forgiveness important? What are the benefits of forgiving?

Let God and Parents Help

God is always with us, no matter what, and God gives us tools to get out of whatever situation we're facing.

Love's Real Valentine

Single? Attached? It doesn't matter, either way—you can always express Love!

Cast Your Vote Everyday

Choose: what are you voting for each moment—God or trouble? Think about it!

Making Ethical Decisions

How do you know if you're doing the right thing? How can we tell which decision is the best one? Bud shares his insights.

Stand Up for What's Right: You'll Always Be a Winner!

When people are being exclusive, be like Daniel—stand up for what's right, no matter what.

Towing Stranded Boaters

Always choose to help if you see someone who needs it. You'll be fulfilling John's advice to "love one another."

Be Happy No Matter What — Do Everything with Joy!

Nothing can take away your joy—it comes from God!

Right Attitudes = Right Actions

Make a difference every day when you have the right attitude—it's infectious!

Make November Kindness Month

Be kind—it seems like a simple idea, but it has profound results.

Be a Prophet Like Elijah and Elisha

In tough situations, is God still all-powerful? Elijah and Elisha proved the answer to be a resounding "yes."

Like Samuel and Nathan, You Can Serve God and Help Others

Like Samuel and Nathan, you can listen to God and know just what to do—always.